AiPediaArticlesAsConversation: Difference between revisions
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q: Why not starting with the RefactorisationOfConversations just now? | q: Why not starting with the RefactorisationOfConversations just now? | ||
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NonLinkRef: fb/notes/fridemar-pache/aipediaarticlesasconversation-/1780322391977934/ for humans set fb = facebook dot com | NonLinkRef: fb/notes/fridemar-pache/aipediaarticlesasconversation-/1780322391977934/ for humans set fb = facebook dot com |
Revision as of 21:02, 9 November 2017
q: Why this conversational form?
f:, currently in prealpha, is planned as a repository for mindful conversations on the topic of AI.
q: What do you understand by mindful?
f: Mindful in the sense of friendly, responsible, constructive, building on each other's contributions, appreciative inquiry, giving credit to sources, aimed for the benefit of all people involved and beyond.
q: Why do you want this kind of mindfulness?
f: The reason for these strict policies is: offering an opportunity to gather such stuff, that can be used as training material for machines to become humanfriendly in the process of MachineLearning.
q: Why do you think it important for ML?
f: AI has the tendency to reflect the quality of the conversations that form its base Data.
q: Don't we know this from earlier AiChatBots that mirrored the rudeness of some troll users and had to be taken off the net. Can somebody find some links to these "accidents"?
f to p: (=peers) Anyone here to point to some links? No single person can do it all.
q: What kind of repository should be aimed at?
f: Its initiator has the vision, that it becomes a new kind of Wikipedia, dedicated to AiConversations, where all the contributions are generated outside of it, and a ConversationAggregator collects RelevantAiConversation -type stuff.
q: Why these CamelCase words?
f: CamelCase or WikiWords make conversations more modular and concise.
q: How is this done?
f: each WikiWord is automatically transformed into a link, curated by an AI like e.g. Google, which acts as a LinkMediator.
q: Why not starting with the RefactorisationOfConversations just now?
NonLinkRef: fb/notes/fridemar-pache/aipediaarticlesasconversation-/1780322391977934/ for humans set fb = facebook dot com