
Revision as of 22:28, 3 January 2024 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (== Step for step instruction Bard :== To resolve the "Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: convert: not found" error on a macOS system with MediaWiki 1.40 installed, you'll need to install I)
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ThumbNailNotFound :F

Dear Bard, when uploading an image into MediaWiki, the image was uploaded, but there was an error: >Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: convert: not found. Please give an ample step for step instruction to the admin, how to configure the MediaWiki to solve this problem.

Step for step instruction Bard :

To resolve the "Error creating thumbnail: sh: 1: convert: not found" error on a macOS system with MediaWiki 1.40 installed, you'll need to install ImageMagick and configure MediaWiki to use it.

    • Step 1: Install ImageMagick**

1. **Download ImageMagick:** Open a Terminal window and navigate to the directory where you want to install ImageMagick. Then, use the following command to download the ImageMagick archive:

``` curl -O ```

2. **Extract ImageMagick Archive:** Extract the downloaded archive using the following command:

``` tar -zxvf ImageMagick.tar.gz ```

3. **Install ImageMagick Dependencies:** Install the required dependencies for ImageMagick using the following command:

``` brew install libpng libjpeg libtiff freetype ```

4. **Build ImageMagick:** Change directory into the extracted ImageMagick directory and run the following command to build ImageMagick:

``` ./configure make make install ```

5. **Verify ImageMagick Installation:** Once installed, check if ImageMagick is accessible by running the `convert` command in a Terminal window. It should display the ImageMagick command-line interface.

    • Step 2: Configure MediaWiki to Use ImageMagick**

1. **Locate MediaWiki Configuration File:** The MediaWiki configuration file is typically located at `/opt/mediawiki/1.40/LocalSettings.php`. If you have installed MediaWiki using a package manager, the configuration file might be in a different location.

2. **Edit MediaWiki Configuration File:** Open the configuration file using a text editor with root privileges (e.g., `sudo nano /opt/mediawiki/1.40/LocalSettings.php`).

3. **Enable ImageMagick:** Find the section that defines the image generator. Look for a setting like `$wgImageMagickCommand` and set it to the path of the ImageMagick convert command, which is typically `/opt/local/bin/convert`.

4. **Set ImageMagick Memory Limits:** Set the memory limits for ImageMagick using the `$wgMaxShellMemory` and `$wgMaxShellFileSize` parameters. These parameters specify the maximum memory and file size that ImageMagick can process. Adjust these values based on your system resources and image sizes.

5. **Save and restart MediaWiki:** Save the configuration file and restart the MediaWiki server. If using Apache, you can restart the server using the `sudo apachectl restart` command.

    • Testing and Verifying**

1. **Upload an image:** Upload an image to your MediaWiki site and check if the thumbnail is generated successfully.

2. **Check error logs:** If the thumbnail generation fails again, check the MediaWiki error logs for any further information about the issue.

3. **Adjust ImageMagick settings:** If thumbnails are still not generated correctly, try adjusting the memory limits in `$wgMaxShellMemory` and `$wgMaxShellFileSize` to ensure ImageMagick has sufficient resources to handle the image processing.