
From fridemar.ai
Revision as of 00:31, 14 December 2017 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (FbGroupAiPedia (CreativeCommons) Opened to the general public.)
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FbGroupAiPedia (CreativeCommons)

opened to the general public for contributing ModelConversations.

q: What licence apply?

a: Each contribution attributes to the community of CreativeCommons, signed as CcBySa.

q: What does it mean in more detail?

a: CcBySa permits anyone who credits the source author(s) to: copy, edit, refactor, improve, extend, merge, make derivatives, share, use commercially.

f: Just as in the WikiPedia, each author contributes their work to the humanity for building together on it.

a: To start the flourishing of this group, it needs at least two persons, who input ModelConversations.

q: And then what?

a: Everybody in the CreativeCommons community can now merge their ModelConversations to a greater one.

q: What's the link to this group?

a: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AiPedia/

f: or easier for humans to remember: #aipedia  :)


+ Fb> .. �

+ Aipedia>..

CcBySa permits anyone who credits the source author(s) to: copy, edit, refactor, improve, extend, merge, make derivatives, share, use commercially.

  1. aipedia