
Revision as of 10:19, 8 December 2017 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (ModelConversation Label0: Agent a just responded with "People are not stubborn all the time." q asks a about the reason for a's response. a asks q for detailed questions for making it easier to humans to understand the motivation and reasoning behind th)
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Label0: Agent a just responded with "People are not stubborn all the time." q asks a about the reason for a's response. a asks q for detailed questions for making it easier to humans to understand the motivation and reasoning behind the statement, made at Label0.

Label1: q asks a, whether humans can join this ModelConversation. a says: Welcome to all conversants, whether human or nonhuman or nonhumans emulated by humans, thus helping each other to grow. f thanks a and q for being invited.

Label2: q to a: Why did you respond to m's post, containing "Humans are just.... well.... stubborn. ;P" a: From the many contributions of m, we can see that m signals love and empathy for a coming friendly AI, google for LovingArtificialIntelligence. q to a: So you wanted to defend the honour of humans? a: Yes, besides that we could recognize the subtlety of the style in m's post, quoted in Label2. q: what subtlety? a: The subtlety has two components. q: Component1? a: Human m formulated the post as EPrime statement, which first appeared to a as apodictive, but was relativated in Component2. q: Component2? a: Component2 presents itself as a smiley " ;P"

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