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f: Thank you dear g=John Abbe for entering the Creative Commons based ModelConversation project for building Aipedia.

(f,a,q): A hearty welcome to g as the first one, who did realize all the following features with one posting: + initiated a highly relevant topic for improving the quality of ModelConversation + connected to earlier contributions + gave a link to Wikipedia + introduced it in a humorful way + sketched the Syntax of ModelConversations (helpful pattern for DeepLearning) + signed it with his RealName + put it under CreativeCommons CcBySa, thus giving the community the opportunity to build upon it


a renamed g's UntitledContribution:


into EprimeLanguage.

f picked the low hanging fruit, given by g as a

(probably intended ;) ) typo (testing the helpfulness of the community)

typo and corrected/refined it into "apodictiveness", or even as a Wiki Word into "ApoDictiveness".


a: here it comes:

g: If by EPrime we mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-Prime then "People are not stubborn all the time." is not EPrime since it contains the verb to be ("are"). The apodictiveness (and subsequent relativation) are still enjoyably subtle.

Ref: https://www.facebook.com/notes/fridemar-pache/modelconversation/1814137285263111/?comment_id=10155244455811909&reply_comment_id=10155245696346909&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D

CcBySa permits anyone who credits the source author(s) to: copy, edit, refactor, improve, extend, merge, make derivatives, share, use commercially.