
Revision as of 22:37, 7 November 2017 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (some cosmetics)
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q: What's this page good for?

f: Every decent Wiki needs a playground, where we can test the capabilities.

q: How do we get a WikiMedia+WysiWyg+extension, i.e. a graphical editor?

g: Wikipedia+WysiWyg+extension

f: Thank you, here it is: MediaWikiWysiWyg

q: Isn't there a shorter name for such a WysiWyg editor?

b: Here it is: Visual Editor .

f: Hallo Falk, do you have experience how to configurate the VisualEditor? Actually, we don't need it yet.


Testsite for bookmarklet

Linkhilfe , um CamelCase in Standardlinks zu verwandeln, z.B. das Wort CamelCase in eine Googlesuche und einen Wikieintrag.

javascript:function ai(){var WikiMap=['',''],i,j,k,len,llen,link,linkpatt,linkText,linkTextArray=[],msg,myArray,node,txt,href,a,reg,span,lastLastIndex,textNodeXpath,textNodes;textNodeXpath='.//text()[not(ancestor::a) and not(ancestor::head)and not(ancestor::option) and not(ancestor::textarea)]';textNodes=document.evaluate(textNodeXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);len=textNodes.snapshotLength;reg=/^\s+$/g;linkpatt=/\b(?:([a-z0-9äöü]*(?:[A-ZÄÖÜ_]|_)[a-z0-9äöü_]*){2,})\b/g;for(i=0;i