
Revision as of 12:26, 23 July 2023 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (EncodeItInMediaWikiSourceWithSectionsAndSubsectionsUsingIteratedSurroundingEqualSigns)
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Sure, I can do that. Here is the MediaWiki page with the new section inserted:


This is a sample MediaWiki page created by Bard. It has four sections, marked in MD notation, such that MediaWiki produces a TOC.

Section 1

This is the first section of the page. It is about the basics of MediaWiki.

What is MediaWiki?

MediaWiki is a free and open-source wiki software package. It is used to create and edit collaborative websites.

How does MediaWiki work?

MediaWiki uses a wiki markup language to create and edit pages. The wiki markup language is a simple language that allows users to create formatted text, links, and tables.

What are the benefits of using MediaWiki?

MediaWiki is a powerful and flexible platform for creating and editing collaborative websites. It is easy to use and it is scalable to large projects.

Section 2

This is the second section of the page. It is about how to create and edit MediaWiki pages.

How to create a MediaWiki page

To create a MediaWiki page, you will need to log in to your MediaWiki installation. Once you are logged in, you can create a new page by clicking on the "Create Page" link.

How to edit a MediaWiki page

To edit a MediaWiki page, you will need to log in to your MediaWiki installation. Once you are logged in, you can edit a page by clicking on the "Edit" link.

Section 3

This is the third section of the page. It is about how to use MediaWiki extensions.

What are MediaWiki extensions?

MediaWiki extensions are add-ons that can be used to extend the functionality of MediaWiki. There are thousands of MediaWiki extensions available, and they can be used to add new features, such as a forum, a poll, or a chat room.

How to install a MediaWiki extension

To install a MediaWiki extension, you will need to download the extension from the MediaWiki website. Once you have downloaded the extension, you can install it by uploading it to your MediaWiki installation.

Section 4

This is the fourth section of the page. It is about how to use MediaWiki templates.

What are MediaWiki templates?

MediaWiki templates are reusable pieces of content that can be used to create consistent and standardized pages. Templates can be used to add boilerplate text, such as copyright notices or disclaimers, or to add complex formatting, such as tables or lists.

How to use a MediaWiki template

To use a MediaWiki template, you will need to know the name of the template. You can find the name of the template by searching the MediaWiki template repository. Once you know the name of the template, you can insert it into a page by using the following syntax:

Template:Template name ```

For example, if you want to insert the "Copyright" template, you would use the following syntax:

``` Template:Copyright

The "Copyright" template will then be inserted into the page, along with its contents.

How to create a MediaWiki template

To create a MediaWiki template, you will need to create a new file in the `/extensions/` directory of your MediaWiki installation. The file name should be the name of the template, followed by the extension `.txt`. For example, if you want to create a template called "Copyright", the file name would be `Copyright.txt`.

The contents of the file should be the template content. The template content can be any text, including wiki markup.

Once you have created the template file, you will need to load it into your MediaWiki installation. You can do this by going to the "Special:Extensions" page and clicking on the "Load" button.

Once the template has been loaded, you can use it in your pages by using the syntax described above.

I hope this is helpful!
