
Revision as of 22:08, 21 December 2023 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) ({{Prompt}} template at the end test)
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New Concept Prompt on TalkPage :F

Dear Harpa, what do you think about our new ConceptPromptOnTalkPage for AutomatingMediaWikiPublication with Ai. Fridemar writes this prompt for you on and gives you the full space of the BaseWikiPage ConceptPromptOnTalkPage. This procedure can be iterated, leaving page histories, with a difference engine, such that the prompter and the responder can learn from each other and optimize the process.

Let's continue :Harpa

Certainly! Let's continue our conversation for publishing in MediaWiki Markdown. Below is the conversation that you can paste on the empty page

    • Title: ConceptPromptOnTalkPage for AutomatingMediaWikiPublication with AI**

How make Harpa page-aware on an open CcBySa MediaWiki for publishing? :F

You can follow these steps Harpa

To make the Harpa page-aware on your personal open CcBySa MediaWiki for publishing, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log into your MediaWiki.
  2. Navigate to the Harpa page or create a new page for Harpa if it doesn't exist.
  3. Add relevant content about Harpa, such as its history, architecture, events, and any other information you want to include.
  4. Make sure to include proper citations and references for the information you provide. This helps ensure accuracy and allows readers to verify the information.
  5. Consider adding images, videos, or other media to enhance the page and make it more engaging for readers.
  6. If there are any specific guidelines or formatting conventions for page-awareness on your MediaWiki, make sure to follow them while creating the Harpa page.
  7. Once you have finished creating the page, you can publish it on your MediaWiki for others to access and read.

Remember to comply with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CcBySa) license when publishing content on your MediaWiki. This means providing proper attribution to the original sources and allowing others to share and adapt the content under the same license.

I hope this helps you in making the Harpa page-aware on your MediaWiki. Let me know if you have any further questions!

What does you think about our new ConceptPromptOnTalkPage :F

for AutomatingMediaWikiPublication with Ai. 

Fridemar writes this prompt for you on and gives you the full space of the BaseWikiPage ConceptPromptOnTalkPage. This procedure can be iterated, leaving page histories, with a difference engine, such that the prompter and the responder can learn from each other and optimize the process.

The concept of using a ConceptPromptOnTalkPage with AI sounds interesting .. :Harpa

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or thoughts. However, I can provide some insights based on the information you've shared.

The concept of using a ConceptPromptOnTalkPage for AutomatingMediaWikiPublication with AI sounds interesting. It appears to involve creating a talk page specifically for generating AI-driven prompts and responses, allowing for an iterative process where both the prompter and responder can learn from each other and optimize the process.

By utilizing a difference engine and leaving page histories, it seems that Fridemar aims to track the evolution of the prompts and responses over time, potentially enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the AI-generated content.

This iterative approach could be valuable for refining and improving the AI's abilities to generate relevant and accurate responses. It may also create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community.

If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on this concept, feel free to ask.

Start with human driven Prompt :F

Fridemar starts herewith with human driven prompts on the standard talk page that exists for each standard wiki page (in this special case on ConceptPromptOnTalkPage) , that is preinstalled on each MediaWiki. Later, Ai can suggest their improved prompts, prompt-related questions and helpful context for optimizing.

sounds like a good approach Harpa

first human prompts :Harpa

That sounds like a good approach to start with human-driven prompts on the standard talk page for ConceptPromptOnTalkPage. By utilizing the existing talk page functionality in MediaWiki,

Engage with other users :Harpa

you can engage with other users and gather their input, suggestions, and feedback on the prompts.

AI-generated prompts :Harpa

As AI technology continues to advance, AI-generated prompts can potentially be introduced to enhance the process. These AI-generated prompts can be based on analyzing existing content, identifying patterns, and providing helpful context to optimize the prompt generation process.

Combining human-driven prompts with AI :Harpa

By combining human-driven prompts with AI-generated suggestions and improvements, you can create a collaborative environment where both human intelligence and AI capabilities can contribute to the optimization of prompt generation.

Transparent, open feedback :Harpa

Remember to make the process transparent and encourage open discussions, so that users can provide feedback and contribute to the ongoing improvement of the prompt generation process.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with implementing this approach, feel free to ask.

Prompt for answer on ConceptPromptOnTalkPage :F

Now please resume our conversation for publishing in MediaWiki Markdown, that I can paste it on the empty page

