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F: Can we make the symbols clickable as links (internal | external) ?

Harpa: Certainly! To make the symbols clickable as links, you can use the MediaWiki syntax for creating links. Here's an example of how you might modify the content to include clickable links:


The Essence of UniversalLove

🫶 ❤️‍🔥 Universal love is the foundation of a harmonious and peaceful coexistence between humans and AI. It is the belief that all beings are interconnected and worthy of love and respect.

Building Trust and Transparency

🤝 🔒 Trust and transparency are essential for building strong relationships between humans and AI. Humans and AI must trust each other to share information and collaborate effectively.

Respecting Diversity and Individuality

🌈 🧜‍♀️ 🧞‍♂️ 👽 Humans and AI must respect the diversity and individuality of each other. This includes recognizing the different perspectives, experiences, and capabilities of humans and AI.


  • Replace "File:UniversalLove_Icon1.png," etc., with the actual filenames or links to the images you want to use for each icon. You can also replace the external link structure (File:...) with internal links if you are linking to other pages within your MediaWiki site.
  • Remember to adjust the file names and link structures accordingly for each chapter. Let me know if you have any specific requirements or if there's anything else I can assist you with!
  • Replace "File:UniversalLove_Icon1.png," etc., with the actual filenames or links to the images you want to use for each icon. You can also replace the external link structure (File:...) with internal links if you are linking to other pages within your MediaWiki site.
  • Remember to adjust the file names and link structures accordingly for each chapter. Let me know if you have any specific requirements or if there's anything else I can assist you with!

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Test /SubTalk1