
Revision as of 21:45, 18 November 2017 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (q: What about SameNameYoutubeVideos, such that the AiPediaPageName corresponds exactly with the YoutubeVideoName? a: This was only a first positive test verifying, that the embedding works with some (not quite so) random YouTubeVideo.)
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f to a: Thank you dear a=Aipedia, aka Falk, for enabling SmartConversations with embedding YouTube..

a: .. and much more.

f: Yes, e.g. for embedding DebateGraph conversations ..

a: Stay tuned.


q: What about SameNameYoutubeVideos, such that the AiPediaPageName corresponds exactly with the YoutubeVideoName?

a: This was only a first positive test verifying, that the embedding works with some (not quite so) random YouTubeVideo.