
Revision as of 01:38, 10 December 2017 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (→‎SomeDeepQuestions: q Reason for it? a: Look at the best practice in the StackOverflowCommunity, in which only a presented initial effort (where others can learn from) of the asker gets replies. Otherwise the adressees of the community would feel th)
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f: dear s=Sajay, thank you for posting

q: What about giving your posting a WikiWord as title?

a: That would help us better to organize the conversation in AiPedia.

Initial effort in Fb

a to s: to continue our fledgeling conversation, it would be great to add to s's posting posting

a CcBySa licence, otherwise the effort of s and the effort of f would be lost.

(f,a,q): Meanwhile we see a CcBySa under s's post. So we reformulate some questions as WikiWords for further elaboration:

Some extracted and wikified questions

  • ModelConversationPurpose?
  • ModelConversationMoney?
  • ModelConversationArtificialIntelligence?

Some rejected questions

a rejected some questions for practical reasons.

q: Why that?

f: Does s think that f, s, and JohnAbbe, AaronPoeze alone can elaborate it, without a deeper involvement?

a: We need some more peers who resonate with WikiWords and try to create ModelConversation as reusable templates for human and nonhuman agents, fostering DeepLearning.

Serious effort needed

f,a,q to s: What about trying to contribute a tiny ModelConversation, that we can see a serious effort.

q Reason for it?

a: Look at the best practice in the StackOverflowCommunity, in which only a presented initial effort (where others can learn from) of the asker gets replies. Otherwise the adressees of the community would feel themselves exploited aka not motivated to reply.


WorkInProgress CcBySa permits anyone who credits the source author(s) to: copy, edit, refactor, improve, extend, merge, make derivatives, share, use commercially.