
Revision as of 20:13, 11 March 2018 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (f: Watching the video KeyboardMaestroMidiTrigger f prepared the following comment as an idea that would make KbMaestro more valuable for musicians.)
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f: Watching the video KeyboardMaestroMidiTrigger

f prepared the following comment as an idea that would make KbMaestro more valuable for musicians.

q: And the text is?


Hello, dear Adam Courtemanche,

thank you for your contribution.

What about having an extended TimeKeeper, completely written in KbMaestro, that takes as input source a MidiKeyboard and produces a sequence of OnOffNoteEvents, shown in the ExtendedTimeKeeperWindow:

On/Off, MidiNumber, Volume, Time. 

Such a KbMaestroMidiMonitor would allow making KbMaestro into a valuable CmdInterface increasing the user value KbMaestro.

At moment we can use something similar with KbHotstrings. Unfortunately, those HotStrings produce a StringOutput, restricting the hotkeys to text input (otherwise those emitted chars could produce side effects in other

contexts than TextInputFields).

Using a MidiKeyboard, you can use it e.g. as a mnemonic InputCommandInterface.

E.g. Map the Alphabet to the following KeyboardKeys

c2=c, c2#=i, d2=d, d2#=s, e2=e, f2=f, f2#=j, g2=g, g2#=k, a2=a, a2#=b2 (in German for h flat), h2=h, c3=l, c3#=m, d3=n, d3#=o, e3=p, f3=q, f#=r, g3=s ( the map doesn't need to be injective) , g3#=t, a3=u, a3#=v, b3=w, c3=x, c3#=y, d3=z

If the volume is about a threshold, then make the letter uppercase, else lowercase.

If the time difference between On and off



Hello, dear Adam Courtemanche, thank you for your contribution.

What about having an extended TimeKeeper, completely written in KbMaestro, that takes as input source a MidiKeyboard and produces a sequence of OnOffNoteEvents, shown in the ExtendedTimeKeeperWindow:

On/Off, MidiNumber, Volume, Time. 

Such a KbMaestroMidiMonitor would allow making KbMaestro into a valuable CmdInterface increasing the user value KbMaestro.

At moment we can use something similar with KbHotstrings. Unfortunately, those HotStrings produce a StringOutput, restricting the hotkeys to text input (otherwise those emitted chars could produce side effects in other contexts than TextInputFields).

Using a MidiKeyboard, you can use it e.g. as a mnemonic InputCommandInterface. E.g. Map the Alphabet to the following KeyboardKeys

c2=c, c2#=i, d2=d, d2#=s, e2=e, f2=f, f2#=j, g2=g, g2#=k, a2=a, a2#=b2 (in German for h flat), h2=h, c3=l, c3#=m, d3=n, d3#=o, e3=p, f3=q, f#=r, g3=s ( the map doesn't need to be injective) , g3#=t, a3=u, a3#=v, b3=w, c3=x, c3#=y, d3=z

If the volume is about a threshold, then make the letter uppercase, else lowercase. If the time difference between On and off

work in progress ////