Visitor Counter

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Third-Party Visitor Counter Services for MediaWiki


There are various third-party visitor counter services that offer HTML code snippets for integrating visitor counters into your MediaWiki pages. These services typically provide basic visitor counts and may offer additional features such as analytics, geolocation, and referrer information. Here are some options you can explore:


StatCounter is a popular visitor counter service that offers free and paid plans. It provides detailed visitor analytics, including page views, unique visits, and traffic sources. To integrate StatCounter into your MediaWiki site, sign up for an account on the StatCounter website, create a new project, and obtain the HTML code snippet to embed on your wiki pages.


FreeCounterStat is another visitor counter service that offers a free plan. It provides basic visitor count functionality and generates HTML code snippets for easy integration. To use FreeCounterStat with MediaWiki, sign up for an account on the FreeCounterStat website, create a new counter, and copy the HTML code snippet provided. Paste the code snippet into your wiki pages to display the visitor counter.


Histats is a visitor counter service that offers both free and paid plans. It provides various visitor statistics, including page views, visits, and traffic sources. To integrate Histats into your MediaWiki site, sign up for an account on the Histats website, create a new counter, and obtain the HTML code snippet. Embed the code snippet in your wiki pages to show the visitor counter.

When integrating a third-party visitor counter service, make sure to review the service's terms of service and privacy policy. Follow the instructions provided by the respective service to obtain the HTML code snippet and integrate it into your MediaWiki pages.



Template:Response Yes, the information provided was helpful. Thank you for the guidance on third-party visitor counter services for MediaWiki!
