
From fridemar.ai
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Sure, here is the example of how to encode a list in MediaWiki source format using sections and subsections with iterated surrounding equal signs, with one nested ordered list whose main entries are numbered 1., 2., 3. and whose sublists start with 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 accordingly:


Ordered List

Item 1

1. This is item 1.

1.1 This is a subitem of item 1.

1.2 This is another subitem of item 1.

Item 2

2. This is item 2. 2.1 This is a subitem of item 2. 2.2 This is another subitem of item 2.

Item 3

3. This is item 3. 3.1 This is a subitem of item 3. 3.2 This is another subitem of item 3. ```

This code would create an ordered list with three items, each with two subitems. The first subitem of each item would be numbered 1.1, the second subitem would be numbered 1.2, and so on.

I hope this is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.