
Revision as of 22:42, 27 August 2023 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (embedded the code)
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f: Thank you, dear for giving advice howto EmbedYoutubeIntoMediaWiki.

Parameter Description Default Value Recommended Class
autoplay Whether to automatically play the video when the page loads. `0` (no) `mw-youtube-player-autoplay`
controls Whether to show the video controls. `1` (yes) `mw-youtube-player-controls`
loop Whether to play the video repeatedly. `0` (no) `mw-youtube-player-loop`
modestbranding Whether to hide the YouTube branding. `1` (yes) `mw-youtube-player-modestbranding`
playsinline Whether to play the video inline, without opening a new window. `1` (yes) `mw-youtube-player-playsinline`
rel The relationship between the current page and the embedded video. `1` (show related videos) `mw-youtube-player-rel-1`
showinfo Whether to show the video title and other information. `1` (yes) `mw-youtube-player-showinfo`
theme The theme of the video player. `light` `mw-youtube-player-theme-light`
width The width of the video player. `560`
height The height of the video player. `315`

iframe script for YoutubeVideo:f e.g. for


Sure, here is the iframe script for embedding the YouTube video in your website:

<html> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <\html>

This code will embed the YouTube video in a 560x315 pixel frame. You can adjust the width and height of the frame to fit your needs. You can also add other parameters to the src attribute to customize the playback experience, such as the autoplay parameter to automatically play the video when the page loads.