TheOppenheimerEffect: Difference between revisions

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m (from
m (Added ai, q: So e.g. Michelle could copy it as a comment and make some modification under CcBySa. f: Dear Michelle, it would make me happy, if you like the suggestion of q :))
Line 25: Line 25:
q: Can this hopefully helpful text be used freely?
q: Can this hopefully helpful text be used freely?

f: Yes, therefore I'll sign it as fridemar under CCBySa to aggregrate it in the target:
f: Yes, therefore I'll sign it as fridemar under CCBySa to aggregrate it in the target:

work in progress
q: Will this text and y/our updates be in the aipedia?
f: Yes. But since this text is a SeedText under Creative Commons it can be live everywhere (the Web), where any user can use it as copy or DerivativeWork, giving it CcBySa attribution.
q: So e.g. Michelle could copy it as a comment and make some modification under CcBySa.
f: Dear Michelle, it would make me happy, if you like the suggestion of q :)

<html><a href="javascript:function ai(){var WikiMap=['',''],i,j,k,len,llen,link,linkpatt,linkText,linkTextArray=[],msg,myArray,node,txt,href,a,reg,span,lastLastIndex,textNodeXpath,textNodes;textNodeXpath='.//text()[not(ancestor::a) and not(ancestor::head)and not(ancestor::option) and not(ancestor::textarea)]';textNodes=document.evaluate(textNodeXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);len=textNodes.snapshotLength;reg=/^\s+$/g;linkpatt=/\b(?:([a-z0-9äöü]*(?:[A-ZÄÖÜ_]|_)[a-z0-9äöü_]*){2,})\b/g;for(i=0;i<len;i++){node=textNodes.snapshotItem(i);txt=node.nodeValue;txt=txt.replace(reg,'');if(linkpatt.test(txt)){span=document.createElement('span');lastLastIndex=0;linkpatt.lastIndex=0;try{while(true){myArray=linkpatt.exec(txt);if(!myArray)break;link=myArray[0];linkTextArray=[link,' °',' ¹',' ²',' ³'];span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt.substring(lastLastIndex,myArray.index)));lastLastIndex=linkpatt.lastIndex;linkText=myArray[1];link=myArray[0];llen=link.length;if(link.substring(0,2)==''&&link.substring(llen-2,llen)==''){link=link.substring(2,llen-2);}for(j=0;j<Math.min(WikiMap.length,linkTextArray.length);j++){href=WikiMap[j]+link;a=document.createElement('a');a.setAttribute('href',href);a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(linkTextArray[j]));span.appendChild(a);}}span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt.substring(lastLastIndex)));node.parentNode.replaceChild(span,node);}catch(e){alert(e);}}}msg='alca enabled with:\n'+'\nMainLink:'+WikiMap[0]+'\n0:'+WikiMap[1]+'\n1:'+WikiMap[2]+'\n2:'+WikiMap[3]+'\n3:'+WikiMap[4]+'\n:'+'\n:'+'Intermediate Webpages:'+'\n:'+document.location;}ai();"><bold> => ai </bold></a>

Revision as of 23:34, 10 November 2017


f to m: Dear Michelle, thank you very much for sharing this helpful essential video.

q to f: Why do you call it helpful and essential?

f: I call it essential because the highly appreciated referent Mr. Cooper gave three good example scenarios, where good intentions had unintended evil side effects.

q to f: And why helpful?

f: I wrote helpful since it could help to avoid a possible catastrophe in the case of Artificial Intelligence.

q to f: Does the lecturer compares this with the Manhattan project, led by the well-known scientist Mr. Oppenheimer?

f: Yes.

q: And what is the essential message for us all to take home?

f: I think it is the suggestion, that we all, who are participating in the worldwide OpenAi movement (aka Singularity Network) should prioritize BeneficialAi or even a LovingAi as our common AiEthics background.

q: Could you give a short explanation to your readers of this comment, who the agent q is?

f: Thank you dear q, for asking this. q stands for a smart agent, currently simulated by a human.

q: Can this hopefully helpful text be used freely?

f: Yes, therefore I'll sign it as fridemar under CCBySa to aggregrate it in the target:

q: Will this text and y/our updates be in the aipedia?

f: Yes. But since this text is a SeedText under Creative Commons it can be live everywhere (the Web), where any user can use it as copy or DerivativeWork, giving it CcBySa attribution.

q: So e.g. Michelle could copy it as a comment and make some modification under CcBySa.

f: Dear Michelle, it would make me happy, if you like the suggestion of q :)


=> ai