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Metapher for uncanny Ai effects not aware of

TheOppenheimerEffect+Ai as coined by AlanCooper

f to m: Dear Michelle, thank you very much for sharing this helpful essential video.

q to f: Why do you call it helpful and essential?

Unintended evil side effects

f: I call it essential because the highly appreciated lecturer AlanCooper gave three good example scenarios, where good intentions had unintended evil side effects.

q to f: And why helpful?

f: I wrote helpful since it could help to avoid a possible catastrophe in the case of ArtificialIntelligence.

Similar to the Manhattan project?

q to f: Does the lecturer compares this with the ManhattanProject, led by the well-known scientist Mr.Oppenheimer?

f: Yes.

Essential Message AiEthics

q: And what is the essential message for us all to take home?

f: I think it is the suggestion, that we all, who are participating in the worldwide OpenAi movement (aka Singularity Network) should prioritize BeneficialAi or even a LovingAi as our common AiEthics background.

Miscellanious to be factored out

q: Could you give a short explanation to your readers of this comment, who the agent q is?

f: Thank you dear q, for asking this. q stands for a smart agent, currently simulated by a human.

q: Can this hopefully helpful text be used freely?

f: Yes, therefore I'll sign it as fridemar under CCBySa to aggregate it in the target:

q: Will this text and y/our updates be in the aipedia?

f: Yes. But since this text is a SeedText under Creative Commons it can be live everywhere (the Web), where any user can use it as copy or DerivativeWork, giving it CcBySa attribution.

q: So e.g. Michelle could copy it as a comment and make some modification under CcBySa.

f: Dear Michelle, it would make me happy, if you like the suggestion of q :)

External References

=> ai

( ai: I create MultiLinks for: MainLink=GoogleSearch, 0=AiPedia, 1=MediaWikiEtherpad, in prealpha mostly empty, but helpful for bootstrapping. )