WikifyWeb: Difference between revisions

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(v1.1: with number subscripts v1.2: made it mnemonic friendly with letters)
(When dragging the WikifyWeb bookmarklet, some browsers confused that with the title of the page. So f renamed it to WikiFy)
Line 7: Line 7:
== About ==
== About ==

This BookMarklet WikifyWeb turns WikiWords into UserDefinable MultiLinks. On this page you get the actual bookmarklet
This BookMarklet WikiFy turns WikiWords into UserDefinable MultiLinks. On this page you get the actual bookmarklet

== Versions ==
== Versions ==
Line 18: Line 18:
== Use of the Bookmarklet ==
== Use of the Bookmarklet ==

Clicking on the link WikifyWeb (at the end of this page) enriches each WikiWord with the following 4 links:
Clicking on the link WikiFy (at the end of this page) enriches each WikiWord with the following 4 links:

* '''Mainlink''': GoogleSearch
* '''Mainlink''': GoogleSearch
Line 49: Line 49:
<a href="javascript:function ai()%7Bvar WikiMap=[',%27,%27,%27,%27],i,j,k,len,llen,link,linkpatt,linkText,linkTextArray=[],msg,myArray,node,txt,href,a,reg,span,lastLastIndex,textNodeXpath,textNodes;textNodeXpath=%27.//text()[not(ancestor::a)%20and%20not(ancestor::head)and%20not(ancestor::option)%20and%20not(ancestor::textarea)]%27;textNodes=document.evaluate(textNodeXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);len=textNodes.snapshotLength;reg=/^\s+$/g;linkpatt=/\b(?:([a-z0-9%E4%F6%FC]*(?:[A-Z%C4%D6%DC_]|_)[a-z0-9%E4%F6%FC_]*){2,})\b/g;for(i=0;i%3Clen;i++){node=textNodes.snapshotItem(i);txt=node.nodeValue;txt=txt.replace(reg,%27%27);if(linkpatt.test(txt)){span=document.createElement(%27span%27);lastLastIndex=0;linkpatt.lastIndex=0;try{while(true){myArray=linkpatt.exec(txt);if(!myArray)break;link=myArray[0];linkTextArray=
<a href="javascript:function ai()%7Bvar WikiMap=[',%27,%27,%27,%27],i,j,k,len,llen,link,linkpatt,linkText,linkTextArray=[],msg,myArray,node,txt,href,a,reg,span,lastLastIndex,textNodeXpath,textNodes;textNodeXpath=%27.//text()[not(ancestor::a)%20and%20not(ancestor::head)and%20not(ancestor::option)%20and%20not(ancestor::textarea)]%27;textNodes=document.evaluate(textNodeXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);len=textNodes.snapshotLength;reg=/^\s+$/g;linkpatt=/\b(?:([a-z0-9%E4%F6%FC]*(?:[A-Z%C4%D6%DC_]|_)[a-z0-9%E4%F6%FC_]*){2,})\b/g;for(i=0;i%3Clen;i++){node=textNodes.snapshotItem(i);txt=node.nodeValue;txt=txt.replace(reg,%27%27);if(linkpatt.test(txt)){span=document.createElement(%27span%27);lastLastIndex=0;linkpatt.lastIndex=0;try{while(true){myArray=linkpatt.exec(txt);if(!myArray)break;link=myArray[0];linkTextArray=
[link,' (e',' w',' t',' h)']
[link,' (e',' w',' t',' h)']

Revision as of 20:04, 4 March 2018


What if we could create links everywhere in the Web, by just writing CamelCase words like the inventor of Wikis WardCunningham introduced them in WardsWiki.

Currently the author fridemar offers this as a free OpenSource BookMarklet to empower work and collaboration on the EveriPedia.


This BookMarklet WikiFy turns WikiWords into UserDefinable MultiLinks. On this page you get the actual bookmarklet


v1.1: with number subscripts

v1.2: made it mnemonic friendly with letters

Use of the Bookmarklet

Clicking on the link WikiFy (at the end of this page) enriches each WikiWord with the following 4 links:

  • Mainlink: GoogleSearch
  • letter e: EveriPediaSearch
  • letter w: WikiPediaSearch
  • letter t: TwitterSearch
  • letter h: TwitterHashSearch

Drag and drop the below link WikifyWeb into your BookmarksList of your browser and you can apply Wikify (nearly) everywhere in the Web.

To get rid of the MultiLinks simply refresh the page of the browser.


The author fridemar did his best to make this a useful contribution to the CreativeCommons, but cannot guarantee that each WikiWord has SearchResults nor can he take responsibility

1. for the user chosen link targets

2. for modifications of the source, which is under CcBySa

