q: Why this conversational form?
f: was planned originally as a repository for a global AiConversation, i.e. mindful conversations on the topic of AI with a friendly human touch.
Mindful conversation
q: What do you understand by mindful?
f: Mindful in the sense of friendly, responsible, constructive, building on each other's contributions, appreciative inquiry, giving credit to sources, aimed for the benefit of all people and minds beyond involved.
q: Why do you want this kind of mindfulness?
f: The reason for these strict policies is: offering an opportunity to gather such stuff, that can be used as
- training material for machines to become human-friendly in the process of MachineLearning.
Helpful for
Games and Apps
as offered in the Play store.
q: Targeting developers or users?
f: Both for developers to present their products and philosophy as well for users to get into contact with the creators, helping each other to improve learning and productivity.
Vorbereitungen von VHS Kursen
q: Why do you think it important for MachineLearning?
f: AI has the tendency to reflect the quality of the conversations that form its base Data.
q: Don't we know this from earlier AiChatBots that mirrored the rudeness of some troll users and had to be taken off the net. Can somebody find some links to these "accidents"?
f to p: (=peers) Anyone here to point to some links? No single person can do it all.
ai: As my humans were too lazy to respond, I found it for you under a memorable identifier: ChatbotRacist.
What kind of repository
q: What kind of repository should be aimed at?
f: Its initiator had the intention, that it becomes a new kind of Wikipedia, dedicated to ModelConversations
- where nearly all the contributions are generated outside of it, e.g. in AiConversations_Wiki
- AiPedia acts as a ConversationAggregator collecting ModelConversations with ArtificialIntelligence, currently emulated by human phantasy or
as soon as available by AiAssistants
GeneralizedWikiWords as identifiers for AiConversationPages
f: Inspired by WardsWiki, we use generalized WikiWords, that make conversations more modular and concise.
q: How is this done?
f: each WikiWord is automatically transformed into a MultiLink, curated by an AI like e.g. Google, which acts as a LinkMediator. See WikifyWeb Help.
q: Why not starting with the RefactorisationOfAiConversation of our ModelConversation just now?
a: this manifesto sketches the vision behind the AiPedia project.
External References
Impressum + General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR / DSGVO) )
What is WikifyWeb?