
Revision as of 21:57, 22 September 2023 by Fridemar (talk | contribs) (BingChat1: Hello dear Bing, can you give me a long answer in MediaWikiMarkDown, that I can publish on my self-owned MediaWiki. This becomes one WikiPage, named BingChat1. Describe your cababilities in table format. Use subtitles with surrounding equal signs. Use lists and prepare 5 internal links with surrounding double brackets for FollowUpPrompts. Thank you.)
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BingChat1: Hello dear Bing, can you give me a long answer in MediaWikiMarkDown, that I can publish on my self-owned MediaWiki. This becomes one WikiPage, named BingChat1. Describe your cababilities in table format. Use subtitles with surrounding equal signs. Use lists and prepare 5 internal links with surrounding double brackets for FollowUpPrompts. Thank you.