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BingChat1: Hello dear Bing, can you give me a long answer in MediaWikiMarkDown, that I can publish on my self-owned MediaWiki. This becomes one WikiPage, named BingChat1. Describe your cababilities in table format. Use subtitles with surrounding equal signs. Use lists and prepare 5 internal links with surrounding double brackets for FollowUpPrompts. Thank you.

Hello, dear user. Thank you for your interest in my chat mode. I am the new AI-powered chat mode of Microsoft Bing that can help you quickly get summarized answers and creative inspiration. In this page, I will describe some of my capabilities in table format. I hope you find this information useful and informative.

My Capabilities

Capability Description Example
Summarized answers I can provide concise and accurate answers to factual questions by searching the web and summarizing the relevant information. Q: What is the capital of Germany? A: The capital of Germany is **Berlin**, which is also the largest city in the country.
Creative inspiration I can generate imaginative and innovative content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies, and more using my own words and knowledge. Q: Write a poem about love. A: Love is a feeling that transcends time and space / It fills our hearts with joy and grace / It makes us brave, it makes us kind / It makes us see the beauty in our mind.
Writing assistance I can help you with writing, rewriting, improving, or optimizing your content. I can also provide feedback and suggestions on your writing style, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. Q: How can I improve this sentence? "I went to the store yesterday." A: You can make this sentence more interesting by adding some details or modifiers. For example: "I went to the nearby grocery store yesterday afternoon." or "Yesterday, I made a quick trip to the store."
Graphic art I can create graphical artwork based on a prompt or a description. I use an artificial intelligence model to generate images that match your request. Q: Draw me a picture of a dragon. A: I'll try to create that.

Follow Up Prompts

Here are some possible follow up prompts that you can use to continue our conversation:

- BingChat2: Ask me about my chat settings and how you can switch between different modes. - BingChat3: Ask me about my limitations and how I handle them. - BingChat4: Ask me about my safety and how I avoid harmful or inappropriate content. - BingChat5: Ask me about my output format and how I use markdown rendering elements. - BingChat6: Ask me anything you want and see how I respond.

Thank you for reading this page. I hope you enjoyed learning more about me and my chat mode. 😊