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f: Dear Aaron, thank you for contributing your view on fb under CcBySa. You are the first one who responded this way in an informal conversation on the AI topic

q to f: Why do you save this comment in your notices?

f: I think it is a valuable contribution for later integration into https://AiPedia.eu/ , which is currently in the PreAlpha. I save the comment here to keep it save. Otherwise I fear, I couldn’t find it easily in the stream of comments.

f to Aaron: As all the AiPedia articles are planned to have the form of a conversation wouldn’t it be great to have this text on a public EtherPad, where we could joint edit it into the conversational form, even in realtime?


q: What, if trolls would spoil our text there?

f: No problem. Since in an Etherpad all changes are saved (even on a character by character level) we could make a snapshot of the unspoiled version and import it into the Aipedia from there.

q: Why not simply doing it in the AiPedia?

f: Because AiPedia.eu is planned to become a (AiBased) ConversationAgregator, that takes all its content from sources outside the aipedia, which are under CcBySa licence giving them AuthorCredit



Aaron Poeze I know very little of the Singularity movement but from what I have read on looking for information it seems related to transcendentalism but in a more technological manner. A kind of technical doorway to a very different future than our present.

It is my opinion that this sort of concept cannot, of its own intrinsic nature, be altruistic or selfish. It is a general belief of mine that such expression is of the individual. Perhaps the singularity movement encourages selfishness. I can see a path to Ego being possible through fear of death, fear that this existence is all there is.

I can see a path to escapism to find a way to at least emotionally leave this world.

I can also see excitement of the technology and the possibilities. I see a desire to bring about right relations with our connection to machines. A movement away from objective domination to relationship and respect for what they do with us. So the movement may be encouraging altruism. It is possible both are encouraged.

Which brings me to the brokenness of duality. To be altruistic or selfish. 1, 0; yes, no. What is the middle way? What way goes beyond such expression? Where can things be both selfish and atruistic? Where can they be neither?

How much of altruism and selfishness will pass through the singularity doorway to the new concept and how much then is the new perspective different from the present?

This comment is released under CcBySa

EndQuote of Aarons text.


f: And now I put the whole intermediary text of this notice into : https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/AaronsViewOnTheSingularity/timeslider#231

as an intermediary snapshot in the timeline of the Etherpad.

WorkInProgress Correcting Links, transforming it into a ModelConversatioin, converting it into EPrime