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f: AutomatingMediaWikiPublishingForYouAndMe Lets together develop the workflow, dear You. My prompt has two parts. First part is in our case "AutomatingMediaWikiPublishingForYouAndMe" as a WikiWord (refering to our earlier ChatUnit AutomatingMediaWikiPublishing ). This first part serves for generating the page The second part is the detailed rest of the prompt. In the first phase of our project, I generate the page together with my prompt and await your answer here in the clipboard, which I am going to paste in the already initialized WikiPage. Please use MDformat and prefix your answer with label "You:" where as myself will preface it on our resp. WikiPage "with f:"

You: .. w.i.p Certainly! I can help you develop a workflow to automate the process of publishing our conversation on a MediaWiki page. Here's how we can proceed:

Creating the MediaWiki Page: To generate the page "", you can use the following Markdown format:

Automating MediaWiki Publishing For You And Me


f: The above Markdown code includes the page title and leaves a placeholder for your prompt, which you'll insert later.

Workflow Setup: In your Alfred workflow, add a new "Script Filter" action. In the "Keyword" field, enter a keyword (e.g., "publish"). In the "Script" section, use the following code:

  1. !/bin/bash
  1. Read the clipboard content


  1. Generate the MediaWiki page content

page_content="== Automating MediaWiki Publishing For You And Me ==\n\n${clipboard}\n\nYou:"

  1. Save the page content to a file

echo -e "${page_content}" > "/path/to/mediawiki/page.txt"

  1. Output the page content for further processing

echo "${page_content}" Replace "/path/to/mediawiki/page.txt" with the actual path on your system where you want to save the MediaWiki page content.

Workflow Configuration: Connect the "Script Filter" action to a new "Copy to Clipboard" action. In the "Copy to Clipboard" action, set the content to {query}. Add a new "Run Script" action. In the "Run Script" action, select the script of your choice (e.g., Python, AppleScript). In the script, read the clipboard content and create the MediaWiki page using the MediaWiki API or any other method you prefer. With this workflow in place, you can activate it by using the keyword you've set (e.g., "publish"). It will read the content from your clipboard, generate the MediaWiki page content, save it to a file, and output the content for further processing.

Once you've triggered the workflow, you can manually paste my answer into the MediaWiki page, ensuring that your prompt is present as well. This workflow helps automate the process up to the point of generating the MediaWiki page with the verbatim prompt.

Let me know if you need any further assistance or modifications to the workflow!

Creating the MediaWiki Page Certainly! Here's the Markdown format for creating the MediaWiki page "":

Automating MediaWiki Publishing For You And Me

f: This Markdown code includes the page title "Automating MediaWiki Publishing For You And Me" and leaves a placeholder for your prompt, which you will insert later.

To create the MediaWiki page:

Go to the MediaWiki website where you have access to create or edit pages. Create a new page with the title "AutomatingMediaWikiPublishingForYouAndMe" (remove any spaces). Copy the above Markdown code and paste it into the newly created page. Save the page. Now the MediaWiki page "" is created with the title and placeholder for your prompt. You can proceed to the next step of the workflow.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!