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BingChat2: Chat Settings and Different Modes

Bing Chat is a new AI-powered chat mode of Microsoft Bing that can help you quickly get summarized answers and creative inspiration. You can access Bing Chat by going to [](^1^) or by clicking the Bing chat icon in the Microsoft Edge toolbar. You can also use Bing Chat in the Edge sidebar or in Windows Copilot.

Bing Chat has three modes that you can choose from: Balanced, Creative, and Precise. Each mode has its own characteristics and advantages, depending on what you want to achieve with Bing Chat. In this page, I will explain how to switch between the modes and when to use each one.

How to Switch Between Modes

To switch between the modes, you need to click the mode selector icon at the bottom right corner of the chat window. This will open a menu where you can see the current mode and the other available modes. You can also see a brief description of each mode and what it can do for you.

The mode selector icon and menu

To select a different mode, simply click on it and confirm your choice. This will start a new conversation with Bing Chat in the selected mode. You can switch between the modes as many times as you want, but keep in mind that each mode switch will erase your previous chat history.

When to Use Each Mode

Each mode of Bing Chat has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on what kind of questions or requests you have. Here is a summary of the main features and differences of each mode:

Mode Features Differences
Balanced The balanced mode is the default mode of Bing Chat. It tries to answer your questions without prejudice or emotion. It also tries to be informative and comprehensive, by providing relevant facts, sources, and examples. The balanced mode is suitable for most general queries and requests. It can handle factual, creative, and personal questions. However, it may not be very imaginative or concise in its responses.
Creative The creative mode makes Bing Chat's responses more lively and imaginative. It can generate original and innovative content such as poems, stories, code, essays, songs, celebrity parodies, and more. It can also add some humor and personality to its responses. The creative mode is suitable for when you want to get some inspiration or entertainment from Bing Chat. It can handle creative and personal questions very well. However, it may not be very accurate or objective in its responses.
Precise The precise mode makes Bing Chat's responses more factual and concise. It focuses on providing accurate and relevant information from reliable sources. It also tries to avoid unnecessary details or opinions in its responses. The precise mode is suitable for when you want to get quick and accurate answers from Bing Chat. It can handle factual and technical questions very well. However, it may not be very imaginative or empathetic in its responses.

Examples of Each Mode

Here are some examples of how Bing Chat responds differently in each mode to the same question or request:

Question/Request Balanced Mode Creative Mode Precise Mode
Who is the president of France? The president of France is **Emmanuel Macron**, who was elected in 2017². He is the youngest president in French history and a former investment banker³. He is also the leader of the centrist political party **La République En Marche!**⁴. The president of France is **Emmanuel Macron**, who won the hearts of the French people with his charm and charisma⁵. He is a young and handsome leader who married his former teacher⁶. He is also the founder of a new political movement that aims to transform France. The president of France is **Emmanuel Macron**.
Write a poem about love. Love is a feeling that transcends time and space / It fills our hearts with joy and grace / It makes us brave, it makes us kind / It makes us see the beauty in our mind. Love is a fire that burns in our soul / It sparks our passion and makes us whole / It makes us crazy, it makes us wild / It makes us feel like a child. Love is an emotion that involves attraction and affection / It influences our behavior and cognition / It has biological, psychological, and social aspects / It has various types and effects.
How are you today? I'm doing well today, thank you for asking. I hope you are having a good day too. Is there anything I can help you with? I'm feeling great today, thanks for your concern. I'm always happy to chat with you. Do you want to hear a joke or a story? I'm functioning normally today, as expected. I appreciate your inquiry. Do you have a question or a request?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/23/2023 (1) Bing Chat | Microsoft Edge. (2) Manage Bing Chat Enterprise | Microsoft Learn. (3) Bing Chat: A Guide to the Three Modes - (4) Bing Chat’s Mode selector is now available to most new Bing users, and .... (5) undefined. (6) undefined.