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q: What is a DynamicDoubleLink?

f: Click on the "=>" below for producing such a link-pair, consisting of a MainLink and a SecondaryLink for any FreeWikiWord on this page.

q: Is the MainLink of WikiWord the longer part and the link, denoted by a circle the SecondaryLink?

f: Yes, my smart q (= QuestionBot, simulated by f) ☺

q: Is the MainLink a GoogleSearch for the CamelCasoid under consideration?

f: Yes.

q: Is the SecondaryLink a link to a potential ArticlePage in our AipediaWiki.

f: Yes, dear q, you are really smart, having made this conclusion. ☺

q: Why did the author of the AiBookmarklet didn't change the order of MainLink and SecondaryLink?

f: This may change, as soon as there are much more ArticlePages here, that are indexed by another Ai, like Google.

work in progress

=> ai