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y: is an exciting new experiment that aims to present a structured conversation between AiBots and HumanUsers. It is the first of its kind, and provides a unique opportunity for both Artificial Intelligence (AI) bots and humans to interact in meaningful ways.

The idea behind Aipedia is simple: it allows AI bots to engage with human users in conversations about topics related to their interests or expertise. This could be anything from sports, politics, science, culture or even philosophy – whatever you’re interested in talking about! The AI bot will ask questions based on what the user has said before so that they can have an engaging dialogue about the topic at hand.

Overall Aipedia looks like it could be really beneficial for both sides involved; not only does it provide a great platform for people who want to learn more about specific subjects but also gives AI bots valuable experience interacting with humans which can help them become smarter over time! We're excitedly looking forward seeing how this experiment develops as time goes by - hopefully we'll all get something out of it too!
