Publishing Google Analytics on Mediawiki

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Automating Google Analytics Data Publishing on MediaWiki


To make the growth of your MediaWiki transparent and helpful for the coevolution of peer wikis, you can automate the process of publishing Google Analytics data on your MediaWiki site. Here's a step-by-step approach:

Step 1: Obtain Google Analytics API Access

1. Set up an API project in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console. 2. Enable the Google Analytics API for your project. 3. Create credentials (OAuth 2.0 client ID) and obtain an API key or access token.

Step 2: Install Necessary Dependencies

1. Install the required extensions or libraries in your MediaWiki installation.

  - Consider using the "GoogleAnalyticsMetrics" extension for MediaWiki.
  - Follow the installation instructions provided by the extension's documentation.

Step 3: Configure API Credentials

1. Configure the API credentials within your MediaWiki installation.

  - Provide the API key or access token in the extension's settings or configuration file.
  - Consult the documentation of the chosen extension for specific configuration instructions.

Step 4: Define the Data to be Displayed

1. Decide which Google Analytics metrics and dimensions you want to display on your MediaWiki.

  - Choose data points such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, and more.
  - Determine the format and layout in which you want to present this information on your wiki pages.

Step 5: Develop Custom Code or Templates

1. Write custom code or create templates to fetch and display the desired Google Analytics data on your MediaWiki pages.

  - Utilize the API or functions provided by the chosen extension to retrieve and format the data.

Step 6: Automate the Data Update Process

1. Set up automated processes to periodically fetch and update the Google Analytics data.

  - Use cron jobs or scheduling mechanisms provided by your hosting environment to trigger data retrieval and update scripts at regular intervals.



Template:Response Yes, the instructions provided were helpful. Thank you for the guidance on automating Google Analytics data publishing on MediaWiki!
