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Fragment F

This is a fragment of a HarpaChat. Why do you think we need it for AlfredWorkflow to AutomateMediaWikiPublishing?

AlfredWorkflow Harpa

```markdown I think this fragment of a HarpaChat is relevant to AlfredWorkflow because it demonstrates how Harpa can be used to automate tasks. In this case, Harpa is being used to generate a MediaWiki article based on a user's query. This functionality could be used to create an AlfredWorkflow that automatically publishes articles to MediaWiki based on user input. ```

Why do we need Transclusion F

Why do we need Transclusion (i.e. Template:Answer). Why do we need them for AutomatingMediaWikiPublication?

Reusing content Harpa

Transclusion, also known as including or embedding, is a technique for reusing content from one page in another. It is commonly used in MediaWiki to create reusable pieces of content, such as templates and macros. In the context of AutomatingMediaWikiPublication, transclusion is useful for two main reasons:

Reducing code duplication

Transclusion allows you to reuse the same code or content multiple times without having to write it out in full each time. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you are working on a large project with a lot of pages.

Enhancing consistency

By using transclusion, you can ensure that all of the pages that use a particular piece of content have the same formatting and style. This can help to make your wiki look more professional and polished.

Here are some specific examples of how transclusion is used in AutomatingMediaWikiPublication:


Templates are a type of transclusion that allows you to define a reusable block of content with a placeholder for specific information. For example, you could create a template for a product review that includes fields for the product name, price, and description. This template could then be used on multiple pages to create reviews of different products.


Macros are similar to templates, but they are more general-purpose and can be used for a wider range of purposes. For example, you could create a macro that generates a table of contents for a wiki page. This macro could then be used on multiple pages to automatically create the table of contents.


Transclusion is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the efficiency and consistency of your wiki. It is a relatively easy technique to learn, and it can be a valuable addition to your AutomatingMediaWikiPublication workflow.
